Saturday, November 12, 2005

So here I go again...

Hello! I'm "Ayame." That of course is my pen name. My real name is Susan. I'm a mother of two kids. One, Rei, is 2 3/4 years old and is mildly autistic. She has PDD (NOS). *you can read what that is here* She also has a serious speech delay. My son, Ian, is 4 months old. He is a happy little baby. I'm married to a sergeant in the US Army. He is my best friend in the whole world and keeps me going. He makes me laugh like no one else.

Most of my family lives either in Ohio, or central Texas. I live in El Paso, TX, which often feels like the edge of the world. I can't really go into Mexico or speak good Spanish, so for me, it is the edge of my world. I miss my family a lot. My husband and my kids are the only family I have here right now.

I'm an artist semi-professionally. I have a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts for Photography. These days, I do commissions and draw mainly anthropomorphic, fantasy art. A lot of it is, frankly, erotic. However, I really try to keep an emotional perspective on erotic art so that it stays "art." If you visit my website, you can choose a family friendly version of my site or the erotic, adult only, version. The site is protected by many "safe surf" methods and registered so that your kids won't find it by accident.

I'm an agnostic atheist and I am interested in many different subjects. Mainly, I like to know how things work and I enjoy philosophical questions. I have come to have a great appreciation of Freud and Epicurius, who are two prominent atheist thinkers. I am a very moral atheist. I am a pro-lifer and believe it's very important to live life ethically. We only have this one time as far as we know and I think it's better to try to live it making life a better place, even if it's in a very small way.

My favorite TV shows are Mythbusters, House, Boston Legal, any Law and Order show, CSI, Bleach and Naruto. I love all kinds of science fiction and fantasy novels, but my favorite novel of all time is Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates by Tom Robbins. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller is a very close second.

I spend a lot of time with my kids, taking them outdoors, watching movies, playing. I have a pit bull, a black shepherd mix, a cat and a zillion fish. I love animals, and so does Rei. Her favorite animal is the horse. Mine is the dog. My husband prefers cats. Go figure. :)

If you're a family member reading this blog, you know all this already. :)

If you're a regular at my website you know this too. ;)

I am going to try to keep this updated. My therapist says it will be good for me to write every day. Yes, I have a therapist. Don't you?

Sometimes I believe in synchronicity of events. I wonder where things will lead. :)