Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another long week!

...and it's only Thursday! Aargh!

On Monday, my husband and I went to my daughter's school to talk to her school psychologist. It's just part of the process of making sure Rei's special education is on track. She is learning a lot at school and it was great that my husband could come and finally see the school! All of the other opportunities he may have had to see it happened when he was away with Army stuff.

But that interview with the school shrink was tiring! Tuesday was another day full of errands and such. Bleh.

Yesterday I had to clean a very un-tidy house. It gets so cluttered so quickly!

Today, I get caught up with my artwork and emails. Yeah. Whew!

For fun? I watched House and Boston Legal.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It's been a very long time since I wrote anything here. It's been a long few months for me.

My daughter, Rei, started school in January. I was very stressed out worrying about her school and such, but it has actually turned out OK. There are still some issues that need to be settled with the school district about customizing her educational experience, but those will be taken care of soon. I'm pretty firm about making sure that my daughter's educational needs are taken care of. She really needs the early intervention. That's the best way to work with autism... there is no cure, but you can teach autistic individuals how to adapt to "our world."

My son is doing pretty well, but he does have a bad cold, and maybe asthma. Even though he's not feeling super, you wouldn't really know it! He's still playful and happy. He has the best attitude. :)

My husband is home from field manuevers. I'm glad. It's nice to have some company.