Monday, September 25, 2006

My kids

Yesterday, I had a great day. We didn't really do anything special, but it was great anyway. I took my kids up to the highschool and since it was Sunday, the soccer fields and baseball fields were empty. They ran around, even Ian, who is getting to be a great little walker.

Rei likes to play "dinosaur," which is a variation of tag. She says, "You're the dinosaur!" and runs away. I catch her and say it back. She likes to be chased more than being It.

I recently bought Rei 2 rats as pets. She's doing a good job handling them gently and feeding them. I don't know what to name them. Rei calls them both "Mouse."

Friday, September 22, 2006

My house!

Heh, now you can see the roof of my house. This is before I lanscaped the front yard.

Here it is, in all its El Paso glory. ^-^

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Real life Law and Order

Today, the police cars finally left my street and they took down the crime tape. I don't know too much more about what happened. There's not too much information going around.

As my husband can tell anyone: I'm a huge Law and Order fan. I watch anything that starts with "Law and Order." Although, I do miss Lenny Briscoe from the original show. He was a really interesting character, sympathetic and tragic in a lot of ways.

I would often wonder what it would be like to be questioned by police about a murder. I thought it would be exciting: like I could help crack something open.

Instead, when I was questioned yesterday, I remembered that I felt that way, and I was ashamed. It wasn't exciting. I had nothing to say that was very useful, I think. A very stupid, sad thing happened to a woman who lived a few houses down from me. That's it.

Interestingly, when I went around to get mail yesterday, I saw one of my neighbors who lives on the other side of the block. He asked me about what was happening. Said news crews wanted to shoot footage from his yard since the street had been blocked off. He told me that some neighbors said they'd heard "gun shots."

I thought this was ridiculous and told him that I didn't think a gun was involved. I think this because A: I didn't hear any and I live really close to the house. B: At first, from what I could gather from news stories, the case wasn't immediately ruled a homicide. I would imagine that if a gun had been involved, the case would have been considered a homicide or at the very least, an accidental homicide immediately.

This made me think that my neighbors, once they knew something terrible had happened began to make up ideas about what that something was. They even began to tell stories about imagined gun shots.

I think it's a fabrication, but an interesting one.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Homicide across the street

Someone was murdered across the street from me. I didn't know her, but I remember seeing her from time to time. I was questioned by police, but didn't have any information I would consider useful.

I am shaken up by it in a strange way. I didn't know her, but as I'm writing, there's crime tape around the house, a CSI-mobile, lots of cops, detectives, people asking me for water that I don't know who look very lost.

Here is a clip of the news article I found about it:El Paso Police investigate possible homicide. Although, from the detective that questioned me, I learned that they are fairly certain that it was a murder.

First of all, he told me someone was murdered. He asked me if I had seen the people who live there fighting. I had not. I had seen them often outdoors, talking on the cell, but nothing that would indicate they had problems. He asked about a Blue Ford. I couldn't say if I had seen one or not because my next-door neighbor fixes cars and there's always different cars nearby. I think I had, but to be honest, I don't trust my memory of it.

So there you have it.

Friday, September 08, 2006

My atheist testimonial

My "witness": Read it here on

The best thing ever (for the day at least)

This quote will have me smiling all day: Militant Secular Pagan!

My son has been a little sick...just a head cold with some sniffles and coughing. He's been sleeping a lot and when he's not sleeping, wants me to hold him. So all I've been able to work on is computer stuff, since I can work on that and hold him at the same time.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I. Must. Design.

I think that painting, sketching fan art and re-designing blog templates is what keeps me sane. I don't watch a lot of TV, so that's what I do for fun. Sometimes I write stories, too.

Hm. Stupid day, really. But I did get some painting done. I have about 4 murals going on right now in my house. I work on them when I can't do my "real" work: commissions. I can't draw commissions when my kids are being hyper, but they like to "help" paint, so it's an activity we can all "enjoy" (I use the term loosely) together.

My daughter loves music. Today, we sang "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes," "Old MacDonald" and danced to Rapper's Delight. I am a terrible dancer. Oh well. Rei loves "Who let the Dogs Out." She can listen to it over and over and over and over... forever.

Den de la Iniquidad is my Spanglish for "Den of Iniquity." ;)