Friday, September 01, 2006

I. Must. Design.

I think that painting, sketching fan art and re-designing blog templates is what keeps me sane. I don't watch a lot of TV, so that's what I do for fun. Sometimes I write stories, too.

Hm. Stupid day, really. But I did get some painting done. I have about 4 murals going on right now in my house. I work on them when I can't do my "real" work: commissions. I can't draw commissions when my kids are being hyper, but they like to "help" paint, so it's an activity we can all "enjoy" (I use the term loosely) together.

My daughter loves music. Today, we sang "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes," "Old MacDonald" and danced to Rapper's Delight. I am a terrible dancer. Oh well. Rei loves "Who let the Dogs Out." She can listen to it over and over and over and over... forever.

Den de la Iniquidad is my Spanglish for "Den of Iniquity." ;)

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