Thursday, August 31, 2006


Still never found my stupid keys. Well, that's all good. It forced me to fix the other car, which I did with the help of some of my neighbors. I live in a really nice neighborhood. In fact, I'd say in general that El Paso is a friendly city. Texas is a friendly state, too.

The most friendly state I ever went to is Arkansas. My husband and I were married in Arkansas and we could not believe how incredibly nice everyone was. It was almost twilight zone-ish, they were so nice. I grew up in Ohio and people are less friendly there, so it was a shock to me.

I've been listening to podcasts while I'm drawing. I really like AudioMartini and Geek Nights with Rym and Scott. They're fun to listen to.

My son hasn't been feeling too hot. I think he's getting some back teeth in. He's really picky: he only likes peanut butter, crackers, yogurt and assorted fruits. That's it. Sometimes he'll eat chicken. Of course he loves milk. ;) He can feed himself with a spoon now and climb onto the furniture.

My daughter is saying more "stock phrases," like thank you, you're welcome, I can't... stuff like that. But it's a good step. :)

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