Friday, May 12, 2006

Bikes, teeth, surprises

Pretty good week! Last week, there was a sale at Toys R Us and my husband and I bought Rei a bike. We got a $80 bike for $40 on sale! It's a Schwinn and very girly! I'll have to take photos of Rei riding it. :)

Ian is trying really hard to learn to walk and crawl. It's funny, he doesn't crawl, but he's great at scooting all over the place on his butt! He has 2 little bottom teeth now. :)

My husband is leaving for Korea in a couple of weeks. I'm really going to miss him. I am so bad at facing reality sometimes. I know he's leaving, but I can't bring myself to believe it. He's going to be gone a whole year.

Well, life is never really how you want it... but sometimes I know it can be pleasantly surprising. I am hoping for good surprises!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I wouldn't let military deploration be a cause for unhappiness-in truth, the death of a soldier has become rare these days, even with the recent disputes in the Near(Middle)-East.

(By the way, I'm a fan of your beautiful artwork. Erotic art isn't my thing, but furry/anthro art is. You draw beautifully.)